Adherence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to host cells requires several mycoplasm
al membrane proteins and cytoskeleton-like proteins in addition to the adhe
sin P1, a transmembrane protein of 170 kDa. To analyse interactions of the
P1 adhesin with other membrane proteins or with cytoskeleton-like proteins,
cross-linking studies were performed in vivo using the permeant reagent pa
raformaldehyde. The cross-linked protein complex was isolated by immunoaffi
nity chromatography, and proteins complexed to the P1 protein were identifi
ed by immunoblot analysis followed by high mass accuracy tryptic peptide ma
pping using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (
MALDI MS). In addition to the P1 protein and a truncated form of the same p
rotein, the adhesin-related 30 kDa protein, two membrane proteins of 40 and
90 kDa, the cytoskeleton-associated 65 kDa protein and two cytoskeleton-fo
rming proteins. HMW1 and HMW3, were found to be components of the isolated
protein complex. Furthermore, the cross-linked complex contained the chaper
one DnaK and the E1 alpha subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase, In summary, it
was shown that cytadherence-associated membrane proteins are located in cl
ose proximity to cytoskeleton-like proteins, suggesting a functional intera
ction between membrane and cytoskeleton-like proteins. DnaK might be involv
ed in translocation of proteins from the cytoplasm to the membrane and pyru
vate dehydrogenase might be a structural protein of the attachment organell