Progress in DNA diagnostics has been extremely rapid. We sought to determin
e attitudes, awareness, and knowledge of genetic testing by physicians affi
liated with the Mount Sinai Medical Center.
We surveyed 363 physicians within whose fields genetic testing for various
diseases and disorder; exist. Physicians' awareness of and opinions regardi
ng testing, attitudes toward counseling, knowledge of the field, and intere
st in further education were assessed. Three hundred forty-one (341) physic
ians were determined to be eligible for the study and, of these, 89 (26%) r
eturned completed surveys.
Of the respondents, 71% rated their knowledge of genetics and genetic testi
ng as "fair" to "poor"; only 37% read articles concerning genetic testing o
n a regular basis. Physician awareness of currently available testing produ
ced a bell-shaped distribution. Knowledge regarding Mendelian genetics yiel
ded a bimodal distribution, and knowledge reflecting an understanding of th
e mechanics behind genetic testing produced a bell-like curve, skewed to th
e right. Those who identified themselves as practicing within an ''academic
" setting scored significantly higher on the Mendelian genetics and testing
mechanics sections than those practicing in a ''private" setting. Ninety-e
ight percent (98%) of the physicians said they would refer their patients t
o a genetic counselor. Although 91% of the respondents were aware of the ex
istence of genetic counseling services, only 71% were aware of the services
available at major New York medical centers. Of those aware of counseling
services, 53% had referred a patient to them, and 83% of those who referred
were "mostly" to "very" satisfied with the counseling. Ninety-five percent
(95%) of the physicians believed that the doctor, among others, has the re
sponsibility to counsel patients about genetic testing, yet only 51% felt t
hat they had the time. No statistically significant preference was found co
ncerning the methods for gaining further education or information about gen
etic testing.
Further education for physicians is required in order for them to accuratel
y convey the risks and benefits of genetic testing to their patients. Furth
ermore, awareness of the counseling services available within the New York
area needs to be heightened in order to provide physicians and patients wit
h the specific services they desire. The most efficient and effective metho
ds for providing information and for heightening awareness need to be deter
mined through additional research.