Purpose: Tetanus toxin can cause localized neuromuscular weakness, but it a
lso can produce systemic tetany. The action of tetanus toxin on the orbicul
aris muscle has not been studied in animals immunized to prevent systemic t
etany. Our objective was to determine whether tetanus toxin could be used t
o treat orbicularis oculi muscle spasms.
Methods: We analyzed the clinical, electrophysiologic, and histopathologic
effects of tetanus toxin injected into the orbicularis oculi muscle of rabb
its with passive immunity to tetanus toxin. In six rabbits, the orbicularis
oculi function in both eyes was assessed clinically, and the baseline orbi
cularis oculi muscle action potential was measured physiologically with ele
ctromyography (EMG). The rabbits then were immunized against tetanus toxin
with tetanus immunoglobulin for immediate and definitive immunity. Tetanus
toxin was injected into the left orbicularis oculi muscles, leaving the rig
ht eyes as controls. Ten days later, the rabbits were again assessed by cli
nical examination and with EMGs on both the injected side and the noninject
ed side. The animals were killed at 14 days, and the orbicularis muscle was
removed from both sides. The injected and control tissues were examined mi
croscopically for signs of neuromuscular denervation.
Results: All six rabbits showed weakness in eye closure on the side injecte
d with tetanus toxin. In addition, four rabbits developed complete ear ptos
is on the tetanus toxin injected side because of spread of the toxin to adj
acent ear muscles. EMGs showed both a denervation of the orbicularis oculi
muscle and a poor blink potential on the side injected with tetanus toxin.
Histopathologic studies of the orbicularis oculi muscle injected with tetan
us toxin showed angulation of both slow and fast types of muscle fibers com
patible with neuromuscular denervation.
Conclusions: Tetanus toxin can cause localized orbicularis oculi weakness,
as documented clinically, physiologically, and microscopically, without pro
ducing systemic tetany in immunized rabbits. Tetanus toxin may have a poten
tial application in the treatment of blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.