The core structure of a screw dislocation in the diamond lattice has been c
alculated with the Stillinger-Weber potential for the interatomic interacti
on. The non-dissociated screw dislocation positioned at the centre of a uni
t hexagon normal to the dislocation line is a stable configuration A. A per
fect screw centred on a longer edge of the unit hexagon is also a stable co
nfiguration B. Configuration B is more stable and has a lower energy than c
onfiguration A. Dissociated configurations of width w = na (a is the repeat
distance in the slip direction and n = 1,2,3,...) are also stable. The geo
metrical feature of configuration B explains the cross-slip observed in III
-V compounds at low temperatures. The Peierls stress of the perfect screw d
islocation is 0.044G, where G is the shear modulus. This value corresponds
to the experimental values of III-V compounds deduced from the temperature
dependence of the critical shear stress at low temperatures.