Contrary to the widespread belief that stress is necessarily immunosuppress
ive, recent studies have shown that, under certain conditions, stress can i
nduce a significant enhancement of a skin cell-mediated immune response [de
layed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) or contact hypersensitivity]. Adrenal str
ess hormones and a stress-induced trafficking of leukocytes from the blood
to the skin have been identified as systemic mediators of this immunoenhanc
ement. Because gamma interferon (IFN gamma) is an important cytokine mediat
or of DTH, the studies described here were designed to examine its role as
a local mediator of the stress-induced enhancement of skin DTH. The effect
of acute stress on skin DTH was examined in wild-type and IFN gamma recepto
r-deficient (IFN gamma R-/-) mice that had previously been sensitized with
2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene. Acutely stressed wild-type mice showed a signi
ficantly larger DTH response than nonstressed mice. In contrast, IFN gamma
R-/- mice failed to show a stress-induced enhancement of skin DTH, Immunone
utralization of IFN gamma in wild-type mice significantly reduced the stres
s-induced enhancement of skin DM. In addition, an inflammatory response ind
uced by direct IFN gamma administration to the skin was significantly enhan
ced by acute stress. Our results suggest that IFN gamma is an important loc
al mediator of a stress-induced enhancement of skin DTH. These studies are
clinically relevant because, depending on the nature of the antigen, DTH re
actions mediate numerous protective (e.g., resistance to viral, bacterial,
parasitic, and fungal infections) or pathological (e.g., autoimmune reactio
ns and contact sensitivity reactions such as that to poison ivy) immune res