Policy makers have long recognized the importance of achieving a representa
tive federal bureaucracy, but the four most recent presidents have expresse
d divergent views about policies designed to achieve this goal. Meanwhile,
there have been widespread perceptions among federal employees that the adm
inistrations' ideologies have had ct direct impact on the opportunities of
minorities, women, and white men for advancement Using government-wide data
from 1979 to 1996, this article examines whether such employment opportuni
ties have varied in the manner suggested by these perceptions. We find litt
le evidence of a correlation between the president's views on affirmative a
ction and minority and female representation in the overall federal workfor
ce. Moreover, the curtailment of promotion opportunities during the Reagan
and Clinton administrations has affected all groups nearly equally: Potenti
al presidential influence has been more notable in the representation of wo
men and minorities in politically appointed and career senior executive job
s. We conclude that equal employment opportunity and affirmative action pol
icies have remained basically intact during the 18-year period, but that re
cent court decisions, along with efforts to reduce the size of government,
may slow progress toward achieving a representative bureaucracy.