Background, Psychiatric emergency room (ER) patients are thought to be at i
ncreased risk of suicide. The prevalence and characteristics of suicidal be
havior in a recent sample of patients who came to the ER for psychiatric ev
aluation were examined,
Methods. Charts of 311 consecutive psychiatric ER patients were reviewed. S
uicidal behavior was considered present if current suicidal ideation or att
empts within 24 hours of or during the emergency evaluation were noted in t
he chart.
Results. Suicidal behavior was present in 38% of the psychiatric ER patient
s, Younger age, white race, affective disorders in female patients, and sub
stance abuse disorders in male patients were features of the suicidal group
. Sex of the patient was not associated with suicidal behavior.
Conclusions. Suicidal behavior is prevalent in the psychiatric ER. Effectiv
e suicide prevention in this setting will hinge on finding more specific ri
sk factors.