In recent years, the method of mesoparticles has proved to offer an effecti
ve approach to discretization and modeling of the mechanical behavior in va
rious systems. However, a principal disadvantage of these methods is the in
ability to describe systems possessing differential (in particular, small)
transverse rigidity. This difficulty can be bypassed using many-particle po
tentials instead of the conventional pairwise functions. Proceeding from a
two-particle interaction potential of the Lennard-Jones type, we derive an
explicit form of the many-particle (temperature-dependent) potential capabl
e of describing systems with arbitrarily small (up to zero) transverse rigi
dity, while retaining all other advantages of the particle method. A partic
ular form of the many-particle dissipative function is proposed possessing
the general symmetry properties. (C) 2000 MAIK "Nauka / Interperiodica".