Ganglion cysts of the hip joint are uncommon synovial-lined fluid-filled ju
xtaarticular groin lesions. Whereas in the past the correct diagnosis was o
ften made only at surgery there are now valuable imaging methods used for t
he diagnostic work-up. In experienced hands ultrasonography (US) combined w
ith colour duplex Doppler ultrasonography (CDDS) as a real-rime imaging tec
hnique easily performed at the patient's bedside is a valid alternative to
more expensive or invasive investigations. We report on a patient who prese
nted with a ganglion cyst and in whom first supported by conventional US an
aneurysm of the femoral artery was suspected. The diagnosis of a juxtaarti
cular ganglion tvas subsequently correctly made at our institution by CDDS
and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively, and the cyst was exstirpated
successfully. The differential diagnosis of a pulsating groin mass as well
as the most useful and specific imaging methods in the diagnostic work-up i
n this clinical setting are discussed.