Herbicide soil/solution distribution coefficients (K-d) are used in mathema
tical models to predict the movement of herbicides in soil and groundwater.
Herbicides bind to various soil constituents to differing degrees. The uni
versal soil colloid that binds most herbicides is organic matter (OM), howe
ver clay minerals (CM) and metallic hydrous oxides are more retentive for c
ationic, phosphoric, and arsenic acid compounds. Weakly basic herbicides bi
nd to both organic and inorganic soil colloids. The soil organic carbon (OC
) affinity coefficient (K-oc) has become a common parameter for comparing h
erbicide binding in soil; however, because OM and OC determinations vary gr
eatly between methods and laboratories, K-oc values may vary greatly. This
proposal discusses this issue and offers suggestions for obtaining the most
accurate K-d, Freundlich constant (K-f), and K-oc, values for herbicides l
isted in the WSSA Herbicide Handbook and Supplement.