An eleven years old male Peach-Faced Love Bird (Agapornis roseicollis) was
presented to the Clinic for Poultry and Pet Birds. Its history consisted of
wing-drooping for about three weeks, the bird had fallen from the perch tw
o weeks ago. Since this incident the bird showed paresis of the right leg a
nd wing. After isoflurane anaesthesia the symptoms increased, the bird died
some hours later. Necropsy findings were amyloidosis of the liver, arterio
sclerosis, and congestion of the lungs and kidneys. In the cerebellum, the
basal ganglia, the brain and the stem nuclei numerous round to ovoid slight
ly basophilic Lafora-like bodies were detected. Morbus Lafora neuropathy ha
s been proven in men, a similar disease has been reported in dogs, cats, an
d some other mammals as well as in two cockatiels. The presented case is th
e first description of this disease in a Love Bird.