In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the progressive loss of upper and l
ower motor neurons leads to respiratory failure, often with predominant dia
phragm dysfunction, and death. Because the diaphragm is the only active ins
piratory muscle during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, there is a high theo
retical risk of respiratory disorders during REM sleep in patients with ALS
. To assess this hypothesis, we studied sleep characteristics (polysomnogra
phy) in 21 patients with ALS, stratified according to the presence or absen
ce of diaphragmatic dysfunction. Diaphragmatic dysfunction was defined as a
n absent or delayed diaphragm response to cervical or cortical magnetic sti
mulation, abdominal paradox, or respiratory pulse (Group 1, 13 patients). T
hese patients did not differ in age, clinical course, or form (bulbar or sp
inal) from the eight others, who did not have diaphragmatic dysfunction (Gr
oup 2). REM sleep was reduced in Group 1 (7 +/- 7% of total sleep time; mea
n +/- SD) and normal in Group 2 (18 +/- 6%, p = 0.004). Apneas or hypopneas
were rare in both groups. In Group 1, REM sleep was absent or minimal (les
s than 3 min) in five patients. An unusual and remarkable preservation of p
hasic inspiratory sternomastoid activation during REM was associated with l
onger REM sleep duration in six of the other patients with diaphragmatic dy
sfunction. Median survival time was dramatically shorter (217 d) in Group 1
than in Group 2 (619 d, p = 0.015).