The activity and dynamics of a simple, single subunit enzyme, the xylanase
from Thermotoga maritima strain Fj SS3B.1 have been measured under similar
conditions, from -70 to +10 degrees C. The internal motions of the enzyme,
as evidenced by neutron scattering, undergo a sharp transition within this
temperature range; they show no evidence for picosecond-timescale anharmoni
c behaviour (e.g. local diffusive motions or jumps between alternative conf
ormations) at temperatures below -50 degrees C, whereas these motions are s
trongly activated at higher temperatures. The activity follows Arrhenius be
haviour over the whole of the temperature range investigated, -70 to + 10 d
egrees C. The results indicate that a temperature range exists over which t
he enzyme rate-limiting step is independent of fast anharmonic dynamics.