Let F be a divisor on the blow-up X of P-2 at r general points p(1),..., p(
r) and let L be the total transform of a line on P-2. An approach is presen
ted for reducing the computation of the dimension of the cokernel of the na
tural map mu(F): Gamma(O-X(F)) x Gamma(O-X(L)) --> Gamma(O-X(F) x O-X(L)) t
o the case that F is ample. As an application, a formula for the dimension
of the cokernel of mu(F) is obtained when r = 7, completely solving the pro
blem of determining the modules in minimal free resolutions of fat point su
bschemes m(1)p(1) +...+ m(7)p(7) subset of P-2. All results hold for an arb
itrary algebraically dosed ground field k.