Though the concept of impulsiveness is controversial, there are many attemp
ts being made to measure this dimension, In this context, only psychometric
measures are widely considered valid and are routinely in use.
Barratt developed the first scale that specifically measured impulsiveness.
Subsequently, various refinements have improved the validity of results. W
e have translated. without any significant problems, the tenth validated ve
rsion of this scale (BIS 10) into French, and we have completed a factorial
analysis. The scale was coupled with a self-administered questionnaire des
igned to assess anxiety.
A sample of 280 subjects between the ages of 18 and 79 years (average age,
36.9) were recruited from the general population. Subject age was found to
have a weak but nevertheless significant correlation with the impulsiveness
raring. A principal component analysis (PCA) resulted in the first 9 facto
rs explaining 55.6% of the variance. Another PCA of these factors allowed t
he identification of a second tier of 3 second order factors; these were cl
osely related to Barratt's ranking. Our study confirms results from the sca
le's initial analysis-results which could not be subsequently reproduced.
To our knowledge, this is the first French translation of an instrument tha
t specifically measures impulsiveness mid the first in which a factorial st
ructure has beer tested in the general population.