The alkylating reactions of 1,2-epoxy-3,4-butene (EB) and 1,2,3,4-diepoxybu
tane (DEB)-the important metabolites of rodent carcinogenic 1,3-butadiene,
with adenine and cytosine and interaction with fragment of DNA on major gro
ove-have been computed. Results show that there are little differences in a
ctivation energy between EB and DEB, so it is difficult to explain the fact
that the mutagenicity of DEB is greater (about 100-fold) than that of EB b
y the ability of alkylation. It is also known that DEB can interstrand cros
s-link with DNA through two times alkylating reactions, whereas EB cannot.
So this may contribute to the significant different genotoxicity of the two
agents. Meanwhile, DEB can interstrand cross-link with many sequences of D
NA in major groove vs. two in minor groove, which increases opportunity of
interstrand cross-link with DNA in major groove. This difference may be the
reason of base selection of DEB mutation. The deformation of some cross-li
nked DNA may also contribute to this selection to some degree.