One of the main objectives of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Studies (JGOFS) p
rogram is to develop an understanding of the factors controlling organic ca
rbon production in the ocean and the time-varying vertical flux of carbon f
rom surface waters (US JGOFS (1990) US JGOFS Planning Report Number 11; Sar
miento and Armstrong (1997) US JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project Impleme
ntation Plan). A considerable amount of evidence suggests that carbon cycli
ng and the potential for exporting carbon from ocean systems is a function
of food web structure. As part of the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Studies, the bio
mass of planktonic organisms, ranging from heterotrophic bacteria through m
icroplankton-sized organisms, was estimated using a variety of methods incl
uding flow cytometry and microscopy. This is a first attempt to combine bio
mass data from a number of sources, evaluate the structure of the food web,
examine changes in food web structure in relation to seasonal or spatial f
eatures of the study area, and look for indications of how changing structu
re affects carbon-cycling processes. Biomass in the upper 100 m of the wate
r column ranged from approximately 1.5 to > 5.2 gC m(-2). Heterotrophic bac
teria (Hbac) made up from 16 and 44% of the biomass; autotrophs comprised 4
3-64%; and the remainder was made up of nano- and microheterotrophs. Autotr
ophs and nano- and microheterotrophs showed a general pattern of higher val
ues at coastal stations, with the lowest values offshore. Heterotrophic bac
teria (Hbac) showed no significant spatial variations. The Spring Intermons
oon and early NE Monsoon were dominated by autotrophic picoplankton, Prochl
orococcus and Synechococcus. The late NE Monsoon and late SW Monsoon period
s showed an increase in the larger size fractions of the primary producers.
At several stations during the SW Monsoon, autotrophic microplankton, prim
arily diatoms and Phaeocystis colonies, predominated. Increases in the size
of autotrophs were also reflected in increasing sizes of nano- and microhe
terotrophs. The biomass estimates based on cytometry and microscopy are con
sistent with measurement of pigments, POC and PON. Changes in community str
ucture were assessed using the percent similarity index (PSI) in conjunctio
n with multidimensional scaling (MDS) or single-linkage clustering analysis
to show how assemblages differed among cruises and stations. Station clust
ering reflected environmental heterogeneity, and many of the conspicuous ch
anges could be associated with changes in temperature, salinity and nutrien
t concentrations. Despite inherent problems in combining data from a variet
y of sources, the present community biomass estimates were well constrained
by bulk measurements such as Chi a, POC and PON, and by comparisons with o
ther quantitative and qualitative studies. The most striking correlation be
tween Food web structure and carbon cycling was the dominance of large phyt
oplankton, primarily diatoms, and the seasonal maxima of mass flux during t
he SW Monsoon. High nutrient conditions associated with upwelling during th
e SW Monsoon would explain the predominance of diatoms during this season.
The sinking of large, ungrazed diatom cells is one possible explanation for
the flux observations, but may not be consistent with the observation of c
oncurrent increases in larger microzooplankton consumers (heterotrophic din
oflagellates and ciliates) and mesozooplankton during this season. Food-web
structure during the early NE Monsoon and Intermonsoons suggests carbon cy
cling by the microbial community predominated. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Lt
d. All rights reserved.