During the last 30 years, a significant rise in wheezing illness has occurr
ed in the child population. Despite its high prevalence there is no clear d
efinition of the disease, which includes a heterogeneous group of syndromes
ranging from transient wheezing in infancy to atopic asthma with persisten
ce into adult life. Molecular advances and further epidemiological informat
ion from well characterised individuals and their families are likely to cl
arify the different subtypes of wheezing illness and inform therapeutic opt
ions. With the recognition that chronic airway inflammation is a feature of
persistent disease, at least in adults, then has been a trend towards the
early introduction of anti-inflammatory treatment and particularly inhaled
corticosteroids (ICS). However, the natural resolution of much wheezing ill
ness, particularly in young children and in children with viral-induced epi
sodes, suggests that newly presenting children should remain on symptomatic
therapy alone while the severity of the disease is being assessed. Althoug
h ICS have become a cornerstone of management of chronic persistent disease
, their ability to protect against exacerbations in young and mildly affect
ed children is questionable. Alongside concerns about long term use of ICS
and possible systemic adverse effects, there remains a need for alternative
approaches to the control of the disease in children. Extrapolation of the
findings of large multicentre adult studies into childhood, particularly f
or doubling the doses of ICS and long-acting beta(2)-agonists, may be unsou
nd. Other approaches include the early introduction of inhaled cromones, us
e of second generation antihistamines, low dose theophyllines and, more rec
ently, leukotriene modifiers. As the majority of preschool children will be
come asymptomatic by mid-childhood, there is an urgent need to identify tho
se in whom chronic airway inflammation is developing, as it is in this grou
p that early introduction of ICS may be of maximum benefit. In the remainde
r, other approaches, including use of corticosteroid-sparing long-acting be
ta(2)-agonists and leukotriene modifying drugs, may be more appropriate. Sa
fe and effective oral preparations such as leukotriene modifying drugs are
likely to establish a significant role in the management of symptoms in chi
ldren of all ages and with all types of asthma and wheezing illness.