Empirical research in comparative politics has largely demonstrated that fa
vorable economic conditions improve the electoral fortunes of incumbent gov
ernment parties. Thus, in parliamentary democracies in which the government
can choose when to call an election there is an incentive for government p
arties to act strategically by calling early elections when economic condit
ions are favorable. Alesina, Cohen and Roubini, however, cast doubt on this
proposition, finding only weak evidence of a relationship between economic
factors and election timing. In this paper, we reconsider the relationship
between economic conditions and endogenous election dates using new data,
controlling for political factors, and applying more appropriate econometri
c techniques. From analyses of twelve parliamentary democracies, we find th
at macroeconomic performance and political context exert significant influe
nce on election timing. All other factors being equal, better performances
in terms of economic growth, inflation, and unemployment will make a govern
ment more likely to call an early election. Controlling for government ideo
logy, we find that right-wing governments are more sensitive to inflation p
erformance while left-wing governments are more sensitive to the lever of u
nemployment. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.