A three-tenn expansion describing the crack tip fields in steady power-law
creeping solids is used in a small-scale damage microstructural approach to
study the initial stages of creep fracture under plane strain mode I loadi
ng conditions. These fields contain three important parameters. The first o
ne is C*, which sets the loading level, and the remaining, A(2)* and sigma(
infinity) account for the constraint effect imposed by the specific geometr
y and loading configuration. The microstructural model incorporates a proce
ss window around the tip of the crack, which contains a large number of gra
ins that are represented discretely by so-called grain elements. The grain
boundaries are described by interface elements that incorporate the princip
al damage mechanisms, including cavity nucleation, diffusive-creeping cavit
y growth and grain boundary sliding. The process window is surrounded by a
standard creeping continuum which is subject to remote boundary conditions
corresponding to the crack tip fields in a steadily creeping material. Nume
rical results of the model are presented for a range of constraints using v
alues of A(2)(*) and sigma(infinity) that correspond to typical test specim
ens. The effect of crack-tip constraints is demonstrated and explained for
material parameter sets that give rise to either ductile or brittle creep f
racture processes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.