An original nonlinear three-dimensional finite element model is developed t
o predict the residual land subsidence adjacent to depleted gas fields, as
a delayed response from an active aquifer which may keep on compacting for
a long time after the field abandonment. The pore pressure recovery within
the reservoir and the depletion of the lateral/bottom aquifer are simulated
by a subsurface flow model coupled with the equation of state of the resid
ual gas repressurized by the ground water which floods the field. The resul
ting pore pressure distribution is used as input data in a pore-elastic str
uctural model of land subsidence. The modeling approach is nonlinear becaus
e of both the dynamic coupling between the flux from the aquifer and the re
servoir gas pressure response, and the dependence of the porous medium elas
tic properties on the effective intergranular stress and the loading/unload
ing conditions. The model is applied to the 3,000 m deep gas reservoir of D
osso degli Angeli, one of the major fields in the Northern Adriatic sedimen
tary basin, made of three major gas pools. Representative basin-scale mecha
nical parameters have been obtained from laboratory triaxial and oedometric
tests, density logs, and recent measurements of in situ compaction by the
use of radioactive markers. In 1992, at the end of 21 year production life
the maximum pore pressure drawdown in the depleted pools approached 300 kg/
cm(2). The largest land settlement from the modeling simulation turns out t
o be 31 cm, in good agreement with the available leveling records. Numerica
l predictions suggest that a residual land sinking of about 10 cm is yet to
be expected in 2042, i.e., 50 years after the field abandonment, close to
the areas of Porto Garibaldi and Casal Borsetti a few kilometers south and
north of the field, respectively, namely between two and three times the su
bsidence experienced by those areas during the field development. Gas press
ure recovery in 2042 ranges from 50 to 130 km/cm(2) according to gas pool,
and with the cone of depression still expanding toward the far outer bounda
ry of the adjacent aquifer.