The Bereznyakovsk deposit is located within the Birguildinsk-Tominsk copper
-porphyry ore field and paragenetically relates to a subvolcanic intrusive
body of diorite-porphyry (D-3-C-1) Veinlet-disseminated ores are situated i
n the inner zone of hydrothermally altered rocks. The last ones are chlorit
e-mica-quartzalbite and locally mica-quartz or pyrophyllite-quartz rocks re
placing diorite-porphyry. In the outer zone of altered intrusive rocks, car
bonate and chlorite content strongly increases. Farther, at the periphery o
f the ore field carbonate-chlorite propylitic rocks occur. Primary mica par
agenesis contains varying proportions of sericite, paragonite, and K-Na whi
te mica. It was formed at 320-380 degrees C and 0.8-1.2 kb (data of calcite
-dolomite geothermobarometer). Micas underwent hypogenic hydration in the z
ones of tectonic dislocations; hydromica and mixlayered paragonite-smecthit
e contain 5-30% smecthite layers, and their isotope composition varies delt
a D from -54 to -75 parts per thousand, and delta(18)O from +11 to +13 part
s per thousand. The ore is associated with quartz-carbonate and carbonate m
ineralizations that were formed under 260-360 degrees C and 0.2-0.4 kb. The
following ore mineral assemblages were distinguished: gold-base metal (fah
lores and high-fineness gold), gold-telluride-base metal (low-fineness gold
, mercury-containing electrum, and Ag-, Pb-, and Bi-tellurides), and tellur
ide-base metal (native Te, silvanite, etc.). The geological setting of the
deposit corresponds to the upper (subvolcanic) level of the copper-porphyry
vertical zonation pattern. The deeper (mezoabissal) level of it occurs in
the tectonic block of the basement (rocks of the Ordovician age) containing
the Tominsk copper-porphyry ore zone. Probably, the ascending flow of init
ially Na-rich fluids intensely interacted with host rocks, and, as a result
of this, the K/Na ratio, CO2 concentration, delta(18)O, delta(34)S, and de
lta(13)C increased.