We examined the microvasculature and VEGF expression in 26 cartilaginous le
sions (CL) including 5 enchondromas, 9 grade 1 chondrosarcoma (CS), 6 grade
2 CS, 4 grade 3 CS, 1 mesenchymal, and 1 myxoid chondrosarcoma. The degree
of neovascularization was measured by counting microvessels on H&E and fac
tor VIII related antigen immunostained slides. Vessels were divided into pe
ricartilage vessels (PCV) and intracartilage vessels (ICV). PVC comprised v
essels around the lobules or invading the lobules but themselves surrounded
by noncartilaginous stroma (ie, fibrous stroma); ICV consisted of those ve
ssels present inside the tumoral nodules and in direct apposition with mali
gnant cells or tumoral stroma. A direct correlation was seen between histol
ogical type and grade of CS and pericartilage vessels. In contrast, ICV wer
e found only in higher-grade CS, No enchondromas and only 1 of 9 grade 1 CS
had ICV. This patient had Oilier's disease. All but 2 of the grade 2 CS sh
owed ICV (average, 20.5). The exceptions were predominantly grade 1 CS with
focal grade 2 areas and extensive areas of necrosis. All but 1 grade 3 CS
had ICV, the exception being a case of metastatic CS to the lung. Malignant
chondrocytes of high-grade lesions stained strongly for vascular endotheli
al growth factor (VEGF), a potent angiogenic factor. The only high-grade tu
mors that did not express VEGF did not show ICV either. Enchondromas and gr
ade 1 CS, most without ICV, did not express VEGF. In summary, PCV are prese
nt in all categories of tumoral cartilage and the number increases with his
tological grade; ICV are found in high-grade lesions, and the exceptions sh
ow extensive necrosis; VEGF expression by malignant chondrocytes is seen in
high-grade lesions almost exclusively and among these in those lesions tha
t showed intracartilage vessels. It is possible that PCV are involved in su
pporting tumor growth, whereas ICV might be involved in the acquisition of
metastatic potential by cartilage tumors. VEGF expression is strongly assoc
iated with the presence of ICV. Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company