Ma. Rodrigo et al., The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the holomictic sulphated Lake Arcas-2 (Cuenca, Spain), HYDROBIOL, 418, 2000, pp. 153-168
The main limnological features of Lake Arcas-2 were followed through two co
nsecutive stratification periods. Its morphometrical characteristics, such
as the high relative depth (31%) and steep basin walls, enhance the sharp w
ater stratification with the formation of an oxic-anoxic boundary at 8.8-9
m and a sulphide-rich hypolimnion during the thermal stagnation. The ionic
sequence was SO42-> Alkal.> Cl- and Ca2+> Mg2+> Na+> K+ and the mineralizat
ion was high, with water conductivity higher than 2500 mu S cm(-1). It is m
esotrophic with epilimnetic chlorophyll a concentrations of 2-5 mu g l(-1)
and metalimnetic of 8 mu g l(-1). The depth of the euphotic zone was establ
ished at around 8 m. Phosphorus concentration in the oxic waters was low bu
t largely accumulated in the anoxic hypolimnion, together with other compou
nds such as ammonium, silicate, sulphide, etc. Nitrate was abundant in the
oxic waters and is related to the use of fertilizers in the surrounding fie
lds. A fine-layer sampler was used to study the oxic-anoxic interface where
a dense plate of Chromatiaceae developed. The dominant species, Chromatium
weissei, reached a maximum integrated biomass of 121 gWW m(-2) during Augu
st. Thiocapsa sp., representing less than 1% of total purple bacteria, had
an integrated biomass of 0.8 gWW m(-2) and Amoebobacter sp. (1%) had 1 gWW
m(-2). Other populations were sharply stratified i.e. Oscillatoria cf. orna
ta and Cryptomonas erosa. Those organisms, and mainly the cyanobacterium, a
ccounted for the high chlorophyll a concentrations (> 100 mu g l(-1)) recor
ded in the anoxic waters of the hypolimnion. Green bacteria were scarcely d
eveloped due to the shadowing effect caused mainly by the purple bacterial