Purpose: To determine the feasibility, toxicity, and efficacy of hepatic ar
terial chemoembolization (HACE) in pediatric patients with refractory prima
ry malignancies of the liver.
Patients and Methods: Six patients with hepatoblastoma (HB), three with hep
atocellular carcinoma (HCC), and two with undifferentiated sarcoma of the l
iver were treated with HACE every 2 to 4 weeks until their tumors became su
rgically resectable or they showed signs of disease progression. All but on
e newly diagnosed patient with HCC had previously received systemic chemoth
Results: All patients with HE and HCC responded to MACE, as measured by ima
ging studies and alpha-fetoprotein levels. Surgical resection (complete or
microscopic residual disease) was feasible in five of 11 patients, and thre
e patients remain alive with no evidence of disease. Elevated liver transam
inase and bilirubin levels were seen after each one of the 46 courses of MA
CE. Other toxicities included fever, pain, nausea, vomiting, and transient
Conclusion: HACE is feasible, well tolerated, and effective in inducing sur
gical resectability of primary hepatic tumors in children. (C) 2000 by Amer
ican Society of Clinical Oncology.