Purpose: The purpose of this work was to evaluate coronary artery motion ch
aracteristics and determine optimal electron beam tomography (EBT) scan tim
e during the cardiac cycle to image the coronary arteries.
Method: This study evaluated the movement of coronary arteries in 20 EBT ci
ne studies, at rest and during stress, obtained for evaluating coronary art
ery disease. The proximal, middle, and distal segments of each coronary art
ery were measured at multiple times during the cardiac cycle. The motion di
stance (mm) and velocity (mm/s) of each segment of the coronary arteries we
re then measured to establish the motion that occurs in the x and y axes du
ring different times in the cardiac cycle.
Results: Coronary artery velocity ranged from 22.4 to 108.6 mm/s. The least
motion (and slowest speed) occurred between 30-50 and 40-60% of the R-R in
terval at rest and stress, respectively. The right coronary artery moved th
e greatest in the x and y planes (highest speed and spatial change), follow
ed in decreasing order by the circumflex, left main, and left anterior desc
ending arteries. The phase of the cardiac cycle with the greatest coronary
artery motion was between 0 and 20% of the R-R interval.
Conclusion: Coronary artery motion varies greatly throughout the cardiac cy
cle. To minimize cardiac motion during tomographic imaging of the coronary
arteries, we recommend 40-50% R-R interval as an electrocardiographic trigg
er time and avoiding the use of image acquisition times of >100 ms.