This paper describes research to develop a constructability review process
(CRP) for transportation facilities. This process must incorporate tools to
aid in performing constructability reviews. A comprehensive review of lite
rature and existing constructability practices provided the basis for ident
ifying and developing 52 analytical tools for use in a CRP. Detailed descri
ptions of each tool were developed. Tools were classified by whether they w
ere used to understand/communicate constructability, were used to implement
/measure constructability, or were cutting edge technology/computing based.
Tools were integrated into the CRP by linking a tool(s) to each constructa
bility function of the review process. Twenty-one constructability function
s were included in the final CRP model, supported by 27 basic tools. These
27 selected tools were integrated into the CRP in a user-friendly format, u
sing tables to communicate tool concepts, rather than by merely using text.
Another 25 review tools were identified as advanced tools for future appli
cation. Road maps were used to indicate the linkage between basic and futur
e tools and the constructability functions the tools support.