This article analyzes the accuracy of the principal models used by U.S. ins
urance regulators to predict insolvencies in the property-liability insuran
ce industry and compares these models with a relatively new solvency testin
g approach - cash flow simulation. Specifically, we compare the risk-based
capital (RBC) system introduced by the National Association of Insurance Co
mmissioners (NAIC) in 1994, the Financial Analysis and Surveillance Trackin
g (FAST) audit ratio system used by the NAIC, and a cash flow simulation mo
del developed by the authors. Both the RBC and FAST systems are static, rat
io-based approaches to solvency testing, whereas the cash flow simulation m
odel implements dynamic financial analysis. Logistic regression analysis is
used to test the models for a large sample of solvent and insolvent proper
ty-liability insurers, using data from the years 1990 through 1992 to predi
ct insolvencies over three-year prediction horizons. We find that the FAST
system dominates RBC as a static method for predicting insurer insolvencies
. Further, we find the cash flow simulation variables add significant expla
natory power to the regressions and lead to more accurate solvency predicti
on than the ratio-based models taken alone.