Several types of trees are proposed in the literature to model the beh
aviour of nondeterministic processes. The purpose of this paper is to
clarify the distinction between the various types of trees and to disc
uss their use as semantic domains. Trees (in the sense of Milner's der
ivation trees) and bisimulation equivalence classes of trees are consi
dered in three different settings: in the category of sets, in the met
ric setting and in the partial order setting. Each type of tree is cha
racterized by a domain equation. Special attention is given to the use
of trees as models for processes which allow for unbounded nondetermi
nism as for instance Milners CCS processes. In this case one has to de
al with infinitely branching trees which cause problems to give denota
tional semantics that are fully abstract w.r.t. a transition system ba
sed operational semantics.