Much progress has been made in the 26 years since initial studies of the fi
rst purified acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) led to the discovery that an a
ntibody-mediated autoimmune response to AChRs causes the muscular weakness
and fatigability characteristic of myasthenia gravis (MG) and its animal mo
del, experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG). Now, the structure o
f muscle AChRs is much better known. Monoclonal antibodies to muscle AChRs,
developed as model autoantibodies for studies of EAMG, were used for initi
al purifications of neuronal AChRs, and now many homologous subunits of neu
ronal nicotinic AChRs have been cloned. There is a basic understanding of t
he pathological mechanisms by which autoantibodies to AChRs impair neuromus
cular transmission. Immunodiagnostic assays for MG are used routinely. Nons
pecific approaches to immunosuppressive therapy have been refined. However,
fundamental mysteries remain regarding what initiates and sustains the aut
oimmune response to muscle AChRs and how to specifically suppress this auto
immune response using a practical therapy. Many rare congenital myasthenic
syndromes have been elegantly shown to result from mutations in muscle AChR
s. These studies have provided insights into AChR structure and function as
well as into the pathological mechanisms of these diseases. Evidence has b
een found for autoimmune responses even to some central nervous system neur
otransmitter receptors, but only one neuronal AChR has so far been implicat
ed in an autoimmune disease. Thus far, only two neuronal AChR mutations hav
e been found to be associated with a rare form of epilepsy, but many more n
euronal AChR mutations will probably be found to be associated with disease
in the years ahead. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.