The combination of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and staining w
ith vital fluorescence dyes has promising potential for studying subcellula
r structures in living filamentous fungi and oomycetes. CLSM offers high re
solution images and the possibility of optical sectioning of the specimen.
Vital dyes make it possible to do this while the cells are still alive and
with minimum disturbance of cellular processes. In this study confocal micr
oscopy and the vital dyes Nile red, SITO 13, DIOC7(3), and carboxy SNARF-1
were used on several species. Subsequently the technique was used to detect
effects of the fungal antagonist viscosinamide. These fluorescent dyes wer
e expected to stain hydrophobic elements, nuclei, mitochondria, and cytopla
sm respectively . Nile red and DIOC7(3) were found to be especially well su
ited for confocal imaging. Nile red stained the vacuolar membranes in Rhizo
ctonia solani and demonstrated the presence of transvacuolar tubules. In ad
dition, the stain involved that viscosinamide caused deformation of the hyp
hae. DIOC7(3) staining indicated that mitochondria lost their structural or
ientation upon exposure to viscosinamide. III conclusion, viscosinamide has
effects on hyphae which call be detected with vital fluorescent dyes. The
effects may be related to induction of cation channels.