In this article, Juan Flores provides a historical and theoretical con
text for the study of Latino ethnicities. Presently, Latino Studies is
at a paradoxical crossroads. While students at elite private colleges
are clamoring for such programs, many public colleges and universitie
s are cutting and consolidating Latino Studies programs virtually out
of existence. As the battle to create, or preserve, Latino Studies dep
artments rages on, the author points out the theoretical transformatio
ns that have occurred over the past twenty-five years. One of the bigg
est differences between past and present university movements is the m
anner in which the demands have been framed by students. Very few of t
he earlier student mobilizations called for ''Latino Studies'' per se;
rather, the early initiatives, which usually called for ''Puerto Rica
n Studies'' or ''Chicano Studies, ''corresponded more direct'' to the
political struggles for justice located within particular Chicano and
Puerto Rican communities. This change in the framing of Latino Studies
coincides with the more transnational and global character of Latino
ethnic groups. In addition, the theoretical insights provided by femin
ist, post-colonial, and rare theories, as well as lesbian and gay stud
ies, have added a level of complexity that was not present in the earl
y days of Chicano or Puerto Rican studies. Flores concludes with a cal
l for an opening of the theoretical space within Latino Studies curric
ula, and the universities that house them, to allow room for these new
complexities, thereby taking advantage of a unique moment in the hist
ory of Latino Studies.