The influence of the epitaxial strain on the structural evolution with temp
erature of AuNi metastable alloys thin films is investigated. Samples with
different initial configurations (codeposited Au1-xNix solid solutions and
artificially layered structures) were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on di
fferent (001)-oriented buffer layers (Au, Pt, and Pd). The epitaxial strain
was varied by changing (i) the Ni content of the AuNi layer for a given ki
nd of buffer layer, (ii) the nature of the buffer layer for a fixed Ni cont
ent, and (iii) the AuNi layer thickness for a fixed Ni content and buffer l
ayer. The structural evolution upon annealing in the 180-300 degrees C temp
erature range was studied by in situ temperature x-ray diffraction as well
as high-resolution electron microscopy. It is shown that a modulated struct
ure develops along the growth direction of the AuNi layer, when the tempera
ture reaches 200-240 degrees C, provided that the residual strain is high e
nough (>2%). This structure consists of a periodic stacking of 1 Ni-rich pl
ane and 2 or 3 Au-rich planes, depending on the Ni content. The results are
explained in terms of a strain-stabilized ordering effect, as supported by
energetic calculations based on semiempirical interatomic potentials withi
n the tight-binding scheme.