Although traits that are specific to different social and cultural groups m
ay express the uniqueness in what humans regard as beautiful, the quest for
beauty itself is universal. It is intrinsically related to the search for
harmony as a means of achieving intimate well being. Inevitably, aping brin
gs changes that are undesirable. The face, because of its exposure and expr
ession and the constant action of gravity, is frequently the main focus of
anxiety in individuals who have attained a certain age because their face h
as flaccid skin, marked lines of expression, and fat deposits. Motivations
for surgery for the aging face are generally deeply hidden and include pers
onal, social, and professional factors. These motivations might not be perc
eived or investigated by the surgeon who, in turn, will not have done a com
plete and precise diagnosis. This evaluation is the most valuable tool for
determining the most favorable procedure for each patient.