An analysis of the characteristic properties of sugar binding sites was per
formed on a set of 19 sugar binding proteins. For each site six parameters
were evaluated: solvation potential, residue propensity, hydrophobicity, pl
anarity, protrusion and relative accessible surface area. Three of the para
meters were found to distinguish the observed sugar binding sites from the
other surface patches. These parameters were then used to calculate the pro
bability for a surface patch to be a carbohydrate binding site. The predict
ion was optimized on a set of 19 non-homologous carbohydrate binding struct
ures and a test prediction was carried out on a set of 40 protein-carbohydr
ate complexes. The overall accuracy of prediction achieved was 65%, Results
were in general better for carbohydrate-binding enzymes than for the lecti
ns, with a rate of success of 87%.