The in situ pedogenic enhancement of ferrimagnetic content provides the wel
l-established patterns of magnetic susceptibility variation within mid- to
low-latitude loess deposits such as those of China and Central Europe. Howe
ver, this pattern of high magnetic susceptibility in palaeosols, and lower
values in unweathered loess, is not replicated in the higher-latitude loess
deposits of Alaska and Siberia. In these localities the relationship is in
verted, with high values in loess, and low values in palaeosols. This inver
se relationship has been explained by the idea that magnetic susceptibility
is reflecting the magnitude of an aeolian ferrimagnetic component of consi
stent mineralogy, the grain size of which is related to average wind veloci
ty. However, the results of the magnetic study presented in this gaper sugg
est that there are differences in magnetic properties between Alaskan loess
and palaeosols, not only in magnetic grain size and concentration but also
in magnetic mineralogy. This complicates the simple hypothesis of a 'wind
velocity' signal by introducing an additional factor into the climatic sign
al. In contrast to the enhancement of susceptibility observed in palaeosols
of the Loess Plateau, China, we suggest that the low magnetic susceptibili
ty values in the Alaskan palaeosol units are a reflection, at least in part
, of the alteration of the ferrimagnetic content by post-depositional proce
sses associated with waterlogging (i.e. gleying) of the soils. (C) 2000 Els
evier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.