Metal price fluctuations have recently been of interest not only because of
their cyclical volatility but also of their interaction with business cycl
es. A related issue is whether metal prices move together sufficiently to c
ollectively reflect macroeconomic influences. Correlation or the tendency f
or prices to move together has been termed "comovement", where the commonal
ity in prices reflects the tendency of commodity markets to respond to comm
on business cycle and trend factors. Metal prices are known to respond to m
acroeconomic influences and the latter might well explain the common factor
which causes them to move together. Our goal is to provide an estimate of
the common factor in metal prices and to relate this factor to important ma
croeconomic influences. The prices we study are for aluminum, copper, tin,
lead and zinc; the macroeconomic variables include industrial production, c
onsumer prices; interest rates, stock prices, and exchange rates. Our resul
ts confirm that the common factor in metal prices can be related to such ma
croeconomic influences. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rig
hts reserved.