Taking account of the influence of anharmonic effects, which are expressed
in an explicit temperature dependence of the characteristic Debye temperatu
re theta(T), a systematic thermodynamic analysis of the interpolation formu
las used for the analysis of high-temperature measures of the thermodynamic
properties of solids is undertaken, The physical meaning of the empirical
interpolation coefficients is determined. Expressions are given for the the
rmodynamic potential, enthalpy, specific heat, and entropy. For the example
of aluminum, it is shown that the proposed approach ensures good agreement
of the experimental and calculation results over the whole solid state of
the metal, except in the vicinity of the melting point. The discrepancy bet
ween the experimental and theoretical specific-heat values close to the mel
ting point may be interpreted on the basis of the Frenkel vacancy model, Go
od agreement of the theoretical and experimental thermodynamic data right u
p to the melting point is obtained for aluminum if the influence of both an
harmonic effects and premelting processes is taken into account.