Cf. Cargill et al., USING SLAUGHTER INSPECTIONS TO EVALUATE SARCOPTIC MANGE INFESTATION OF FINISHING SWINE, Veterinary parasitology, 70(1-3), 1997, pp. 191-200
Sarcoptic mange is one of the common swine diseases worldwide. Althoug
h mange-free populations can be established with caesarean derived sto
ck, by herd repopulation programmes or by eliminating mange with iverm
ectin, mange remains prevalent in many countries, Field and experiment
al studies indicate that hypersensitive mange is detrimental to perfor
mance of growing pigs, Typically, producers tolerate mange infestation
in their herds and control measures are often haphazard, This toleran
ce to mange infestation is attributable to the covert nature of the lo
sses (reduced growth rate and feed efficiency without mortality) and t
o the fact that clinical signs of hypersensitive mange (pruritus) are
usually viewed as normal. Lack of tools to evaluate mange severity in
pigs and to demonstrate its importance has hindered the efforts of vet
erinarians to control the disease, Traditionally, veterinarians have u
sed slaughter inspections to assess respiratory diseases such as enzoo
tic pneumonia and atrophic rhinitis. Much of the value of slaughter in
spections is as a tool with which veterinarians can educate and motiva
te their clients to improve disease control measures. The potential fo
r evaluating hypersensitive mange by inspecting slaughtered pigs for l
esions of papular dermatitis was recognised some time ago, but quantit
ative evaluation of the reliability of this approach has been lacking,
We have conducted several studies in Australia, the USA, Canada, Euro
pe and Latin America to evaluate associations between Sarcoptes infest
ation and the severity of papular dermatitis at slaughter, using a sim
ple ordinal scale for classifying carcasses, Our initial field and exp
erimental data in Australia indicated the specificity of localised der
matitis to be in the order of 75-80%, but that the generalised dermati
tis was highly specific (> 98%) for mange. Subsequent studies in the U
S Midwest yielded almost identical results, and indicated that the met
hod may also have some utility for surveillance of mange-free herds. R
esults from other locations invariably have shown significant associat
ions between dermatitis lesions and mange infestation. Relative to oth
er methods such as skin scrapings and monitoring pruritus, this method
is simple and relatively objective, and should be considered for rout
ine inclusion in slaughter Inspection protocols.