Yzerbyt, Rogier and Fiske (1998) argued that perceivers confronted with a g
roup high in entitativity (i.e., a group perceived as an entity, a tight-kn
it group) more readily call upon an underlying essence to explain people's
behavior than perceivers confronted with an aggregate. Their study showed t
hat group entitativity promoted dispositional attributions for the behavior
of group members. Moreover, stereotypes emerged when people faced entitati
ve groups, In this study, we replicate and extend these results by providin
g further evidence that the process of social attribution is responsible fo
r the emergence of stereotypes, We use the attitude attribution paradigm (S
ones & Harris, 1967) and show that the correspondence bias is stronger for
an entitative group target than for an aggregate. Besides, several dependen
t measures indicate that the target's group membership stands as a plausibl
e causal factor to account for members' behavior, a process we call Social
Attribution. Implications for current theories of stereotyping are discusse