Numerous applications such as stock market or medical information systems r
equire that both historical and current data be logically integrated into a
temporal database. The underlying access method must support different for
ms of "time-travel" queries, the migration of old record versions onto inex
pensive archive media, and high insertion and update rates. This paper pres
ents an access method for transaction-time temporal data, called the log-st
ructured history data access method (LHAM) that meets these demands. The ba
sic principle of LHAM is to partition the data into successive components b
ased on the timestamps of the record versions. Components are assigned to d
ifferent levels of a storage hierarchy, and incoming data is continuously m
igrated through the hierarchy. The paper discusses the LHAM concepts, inclu
ding concurrency control and recovery, our full-fledged LHAM implementation
, and experimental performance results based on this implementation. A deta
iled comparison with the TSB-tree, both analytically and based on experimen
ts with real implementations, shows that LHAM is highly superior in terms o
f insert performance, while query performance is in almost all cases at lea
st as good as for the TSB-tree; in many cases it is much better.