Artificial capillary barriers are being used to divert water away from sens
itive underground regions. Conversely, funneled flow over natural capillary
barriers may increase the danger of groundwater contamination by decreasin
g the travel time and contact area. There have been relatively few experime
ntal studies of capillary barrier flow patterns. In this study, water was a
pplied uniformly across the top surface of a backlit tilting chamber, 1 cm
thick, 110 cm high, and 180 cm long, in which a coarse sand layer was imbed
ded in a fine sand. Bedding slope and water application rates were varied b
etween 0 degrees and 12 degrees and 1 and 3 cm h(-1), respectively. After a
ttaining steady state, matric potential was measured along the textural int
erface, and photos of dye traces were taken in order to visualize streamlin
es. The funneled flow was characterized by three discrete regions: an initi
al capillary diversion, a breakthrough region, and a toe diversion. The bre
akthrough region consisted of a significant zone of partial breakthrough wh
ere the vertical flux into the coarse layer was less than the water applica
tion rate. The lateral distance of the capillary diversion was explained we
ll by previously published relationships when the water entry value at the
textural interface was replaced by lower, observed matric potential at whic
h breakthrough occurred at the most upslope point. The length of the capill
ary diversion was overpredicted using the air entry value. Finally, the toe
of the coarse layer had significant, observed effects on funneled flow pat
terns, which have previously received little, if any, attention. The result
s of this study imply that the slope of the coarse layer and infiltration r
ate will largely govern the effectiveness of capillary barriers and that ca
pillary barriers are less effective than previously assumed.