For most of this decade, the Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology L
aboratory of the USDA, Agricultural Research Service has been studying hone
y bees from Primorsky Territory, on the Pacific coast of Russia. We are int
erested in honey bees in that area since settlers from European Russia star
ted bringing Apis mellifera, the western honey bee, to the area in the mid
1800's (E. Crane, Bee World, 59:164-167, 1978), The area is within the natu
ral range of Apis cerana, the eastern hive bee and its external mite parasi
te, Varroa jacobsoni Since this is one of the longest known associations of
the western honey bee and V jacobsoni we speculated that natural selection
operating on the honey bee populations in the area had one of the best cha
nces to produce resistance to V jacobsoni.