Simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy is called heterotopic
pregnancy, It is a rare complication of pregnancy, especially in the absenc
e of predisposing factors. It is known to present with a variety of symptom
s and signs often leading to a delay in establishing the correct diagnosis.
We report the case of a 29-year-old woman, known to be 14 weeks pregnant,
presenting with acute abdominal pain. The confirmation of a viable intraute
rine pregnancy led to a general surgery consultation. A heterotopic rupture
d right ectopic tubal pregnancy was found. Right salpingectomy was performe
d. The patient recovered uneventfully. The intrauterine pregnancy was not a
ffected. This case illustrates the variable presentation of heterotopic pre
gnancy and the need for general surgeons to be suspicious of pregnancy rela
ted complications, even in the presence of a viable intrauterine pregnancy.