Pyrite oxidizing bacteria removed a portion of several trace elements from
four U.S. coals. Significant percentages of As, Ni, Mn, Co, and Cd were bio
leached from Pittsburgh No. 8, Indiana No. 5 and Kentucky No. 9 coals. Pyri
te was removed to a greater extent than any of the 13 trace elements studie
d. Hg, the trace element most likely to be regulated in the future in power
plant emissions, was not removed from any of the coals by bioleaching with
mesophilic or thermophilic microorganisms. However, most of the Hg in Pitt
sburgh coal could be removed by leaching with HCl following microbial pyrit
e oxidation. Hg might be more efficiently removed from coal by physical pro
cesses following bioleaching with thermophilic pyrite-oxidizing microorgani