We investigate the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for variable select
ion in models for censored survival data. Kass and Wasserman (1995, Journal
of the American Statistical Association 90, 928-934) showed that BIC provi
des a close approximation to the Bayes factor when a unit-information prior
on the parameter space is used. We propose a revision of the penalty term
in BIC so that it is defined in terms of the number of uncensored events in
stead of the number of observations. For a simple censored data model, this
revision results in a better approximation to the exact Bayes factor based
on a conjugate unit-information Drier. In the Cox proportional hazards reg
ression model, we propose defining BIC in terms of the maximized partial li
kelihood. Using the number of deaths rather than the number of individuals
in the BIC penalty term corresponds to a more realistic prior on the parame
ter space and is shown to improve predictive performance for assessing stro
ke risk in the Cardiovascular Health Study.