This paper presents an overview of recent microscopic studies that have sou
ght to define how limbic circuitry may be altered in postmortem schizophren
ic brain, The discussion is organized around several basic questions regard
ing the manner in which interconnections within and between the anterior ci
ngulate cortex and hippocampal formation and involving the glutamate, GABA
and dopamine systems may contribute to the pathophysiology of this disorder
. The answers to these questions are used to derive several conclusions reg
arding circuitry changes in schizophrenia: 1) Schizophrenia is not a 'typic
al' degenerative disorder, but rather it is one in which excitotoxicity may
contribute to neuronal pathology, whether or not cell death occurs; 2) Thr
ee or more neurotransmitter systems may be simultaneously altered within a
single microcircuit; 3) Each transmitter system may show circuitry changes
in more than one region, but such changes may vary on a region-by-region ba
sis; 4) The pathophysiology of schizophrenia may involve 'mis-wirings' in i
ntrinsic circuits (microcircuitry) within a given region, but significant c
hanges are probably also present at the level of interconnections between t
wo or more regions within a network (macrocircuitry); 5) While some microsc
opic findings appear to be selectively present in schizophrenia and be rela
ted to a susceptibility gene for this disorder, others may also be present
in patients with bipolar disorder; 6) Although some of the circuitry change
s seen in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder seem to be associated with neu
roleptic exposure, most are not and may reflect the influence of non-specif
ic environmental factors such as pre- and/or postnatal stress; 7) Normal po
stnatal changes at the level of both macro- and microcircuitry within the l
imbic system may serve as 'triggers' for the onset of schizophrenia during
adolescence. Taken together, these emerging principles can provide a framew
ork for future postmortem studies of schizophrenic brain. (C) 2000 Elsevier
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