An examination of liver echographies performed over an 11 year period
in 2,335 female patients with pelvic gynaecology cancers revealed that
the incidence of benign lesions (96 cases) was greater than the numbe
r of metastases discovered (79 cases). Regular hepatic echography in c
ancers of the uterus leads to a median survival of 4 months. Hepatic e
chography can be useful for the detection of benign lesions in cases o
f cancer of the uterus and for the detection of benign or malignant le
sions in cases of cancer of the ovary. Routine post-therapeutic hepati
c echography is only useful in cancer of the cervix. For cancer of the
ovary, abdomino-pelvic computed tomography should be performed; liver
tests are sufficient in cases of cancer of the endometrium.