We derive the interface equations for weak (or maximal) nonnegative solutio
ns u(x, t) of the porous medium equation with strong absorption in one dime
u(t) = (u(m))xx - u(P), x is an element of R, t > 0.
We consider here the very singular range where the exponents m > 1 and p <
1 satisfy 0 < m + p < 2. Unlike the range m + p greater than or equal to 2,
where we have shown that the movement of the interface x = eta(t) is descr
ibed by a first-order equation, we prove that in this case there is actuall
y a system of two equations: (i) a universal law N-1(u(., t)) = a(0), where
a(0) = a(0)(m,p) is a fixed constant and N-1(u) = (u((m-p)/2))(x) calculat
ed at the interface (again a first-order operator), and (ii) a specific mov
ement law, D(+)eta(t) = N-2(u(., t)), where N-2 is of the second order and
D(+)eta(t) is the right-hand derivative. We establish the instantaneous smo
othing effect and prove optimal gradient bounds on the solutions as well as
the second-order estimate on the interface. The analysis is based on inter
section comparison with the set of the travelling wave solutions. The resul
ts apply to the linear diffusion m = 1 with p is an element of (-1, 1) and
for fast diffusion, m is an element of (0, 1), when p is an element of (-m,
m). They can be also applied to equations of diffusion-convection type.