The involvement of brain serotonin systems in the pathophysiology of sating
disorders has been repeatedly demonstrated in recent studies. Platelet MAO
activity is an index of brain serotonin activity and lowered platelet MAO
levels have been found in association with impulsive behaviors. In addition
, some preliminary reports indicate that platelet MAO could be lowered in e
ating disorder patients. Methods: 47 patients with DSM-IV rating disorders
were studied, including 30 with bulimia nervosa and 17 with anorexia nervos
a binge eating-purging type. Platelet MAO activity was measured by isotopic
methods using C-ll benzylamine and compared with a control group of 30 hea
lthy subjects. Impulsive personality features were studied with specific ra
ting scales. Results: Platelet MAO activity was significantly lower (4.4+/-
2.4 nmol/h/10(8) platelets) in the bulimic patients than in the control gro
up (6.9+/-2.5) (p<0.001). No significant differences were found between pur
e bulimics and binge eating-purging anorectics. Platelet MAO was inversely
and significantly correlated with scores on impulsivity scales and with bor
derline personality disorder characteristics. Conclusions: Platelet MAO act
ivity is lowered in patients with bulimia, which may reflect dysfunction in
impulse control mechanisms. Since platelet MAO has a predominant genetic c
omponent, there is need for studies on the association of low platelet MAO
and higher risk for developing eating disorders. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.